The Postpartum Essentials I Actually Used

Ladies, ladies, ladies! I’m pretty sure that most of us spend the majority of our pregnancy worried and preparing for our labor and delivery of baby, one of the most anticipated days of our lives.…

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8 Things To Help You Relax at Home

I’m sure we can agree that life can be stressful enough, so our home is the one place we should be able to depend on for a peaceful environment. When you’re at home, you should…

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3 Effective Daily Facial Cleansers Under $12

Choosing the perfect facial cleanser for your skin can be extremely difficult, and the fact that there are so many to choose from doesn’t help! It took me a while to even narrow it down…

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5 Hype-worthy Products for Silky, Smooth Lips

Are you as obsessed as I am over making sure your lips are smooth and super soft all of the time?! Smooth, soft lips are definitely a major flex and there’s 5 products that will…

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15 Essential Guest Bedroom/Bathroom Items

If you’re anything like me, you absolutely love having your family and friends over to your home. I happen to live away from most of my family and friends so I already know if they…

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