30-minute bomb facial for smooth skin

So ladies, I’m not gonna get on here and act like I’ve struggled with skin problems because that’s never been a problem for me, BUT I realized my skin wasn’t as perfect as I thought.

A few years ago, I was in my mom’s bathroom at her house and that lighting is something serious, ok?! I thought I was about to take some bomb selfies, but that lighting started to reveal every little flaw. I got closer to the mirror and noticed these small little bumps over my face and also some discoloration. I’ve never really paid much that much attention to my face before, but I was so shocked!

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About a few weeks after the lighting revealed the truth about my skin I visited a local spa to get my first facial. Not gonna lie, I felt so rejuvenated afterward, like my skin’s thirst has finally been quenched after sooo long! Ever since, I’ve been OBSESSED with skincare!

I couldn’t believe how clear and smooth my skin was but, HONEY, the cost of that facial made it difficult to make it a regular part of my self care routine. One day, I was dying for a facial, but I was already at a point of trying to really budget more. That’s when I decided, EFF IT, I’m going to do my own facial and babyyy, I fell in love!!! It’s so relaxing, fun, and just so girly!

Sis, let me walk you through how to give yourself an amazing, skin-smoothing facial that you will love. You will want to make this a regular part of your self-care routine! Oh, and just to be clear I am not an esthetician, I am just sharing what’s been working for me for a while now. Now, put on your favorite music, make sure you have about 30 minutes to yourself, and let’s start!

  1. Start by washing your face with a gentle facial cleanser to get rid of any dirt or oils. Pat your face dry with a towel.
  2. Steam your face for about 10 minutes. I bought my facial steamer from Amazon and I love it. You can find it here. If you don’t have a facial steamer you can just boil a pot of water and put your face over the steam. Not too close to the steam, girl! Don’t dry your face after steaming.
  3. After you’ve steamed your face, you will take the extractor tool to extract your pores. The good thing about the steamer I bought from Amazon is that it comes with all of the tools you’ll need. If you don’t have any tools you can just take 2 Q-tips and use them to squeeze the impacted pores.
  4. When you’re finish extracting, you will take an exfoliating facial scrub of your choice and gently scrub your face. Personally, I just mix about 2 tbsp of brown sugar with about 1 tbsp of olive oil and it works for me! But make sure you scrub GENTLY!
  5. Next, you’re going to take a damp towel and wipe away the remaining scrub from your face. You’re going to get a apply a toner of your choice. I’ve been using witch hazel for years and it’s what works for me, I love it. I take a cotton ball and apply the toner starting at my neck and then upward to my face. I usually give my face about 2 minutes to air dy.
  6. After applying your toner, you then want to apply your favorite face moisturizer. Nivea is my go to when it comes to a lotion for my face. It’s not too heavy and it keeps my face moisturized all day long.
    • Note: I don’t apply a face mask every single time I do my facial, but when I do, I always apply it after applying my toner but before moisturizing.
  7. Once you’re face is all moisturized, you’re going to finish by giving yourself a 5-minute facial massage. Make sure you massage in an upward motion, starting with your neck going toward your forehead. I use a derma roller for this process and it makes it easier and I love the results!

You are all done, sis! Now, you may be able to notice a difference right away, but if not, give it until tomorrow. You will be in the mirror amazed at how smooth your skin is. If you haven’t already, take your finger and feel how smooth your nose is, I’m obsessed with feeling my nose after my facial because it’s always soo smooth!

I really hope you try this facial because I promise you will be happy with the results. And it’s honestly just something so relaxing and refreshing to add to your self-care routine!

Please comment and let me know of your results if you decide to try it!
